By Samara Shaw

Orcas local, Samara Shaw has launched a Kickstarter Fundraising campaign to develop a full length musical she has written for the stage, titled “The Shift.”

“The Shift” is a modern-day story about our collective transformational process, and is almost ready for production. Seeking support for the final phases of development, Shaw is raising capital for rewrites, workshopping, to set up a website, and to get pre-production rolling. Donating is easy at “The Shift’s” Kickstarter page:

In return for donations, supporters receive rewards, including downloads and or/CDs from local Orcas Island musicians.

“The Shift” brings together the creative talents of a large group of artists, healers, and visionaries – including many from Orcas: Dustin Fox, Sharon Abreu, Ben Sheppard, Davis Limbach, Freddy Hinckle, Mariah Dimich, Katie Grey, Prabhupad, and Ione Angeles.

Other unique aspects of this show include the use of ancient sound technologies, including chant, toning, singing crystal bowls, tibetan metal singing bowls, peruvian whistling vestals, and other psychoacoustic sound tools.

Show themes include spiritual awakening and resistance, facing the shadow within, and surrender to a higher power.

The Story:

As predicted, The Shift on earth is in full swing. Suddenly, a flash of light covers the entire earth, bringing instant awakening to millions. Millions of others tragically and mysteriously kill themselves. People are taught to fear this awakening, by a government out to microchip the entire population. Our heroes try to stop these dark, controlling forces, only to realize that this darkness also resides within them.

The story of “The Shift” teaches, that in these changing times, we must be willing to face everything. No matter how dark, evil, or completely horrible, we must be willing to face it – within ourselves, in our communities, and in our world.  Then we must be willing to release whatever it is that separates us from the truth of who we really are and realizing all we are capable of.

But then what do we do, when our beliefs, fear based concepts and thoughts, old emotional patterns, come up for release? Some characters in “The Shift” find themselves in resistance, responding to the call of release by fighting it. While others go for flight, and try to escape in any way they can.

Eventually, the heroes in “The Shift” learn that these changes are part of an evolutionary process to help humans shift to a more sane and sustainable existence on the planet. Pushed and pulled by mysterious forces, our heroes get to the point where the only thing that brings relief is an attitude of total surrender.

The inspiration behind “The Shift”

Shaw was inspired to write “The Shift” through an intense desire to help people understand and live their purpose on earth. She writes in her blog, “As humanity wakes up to our true purpose, we realize there is much about the nature of life and reality that we don’t understand. As we expand our awareness, we begin to see that we don’t have to accept things ‘as they are’.

“The Shift” teaches us that each loving, uniting, compassionate, healing thought we have, contributes to a collective consciousness, and when we learn to live from this place of love, compassion, and understanding most of the time, we will come to realize humans are capable of so much more than we’ve been led to believe. From this positive, loving understanding, our capacity to heal, manifest, create miracles, and to realize our innate gifts and abilities, will only expand.

Jesus predicted these times by saying,

‘Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believes on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.’

Buddha put it this way,

‘The thought manifests as the word. The word manifests as the deed. The deed develops into habit. And the habit hardens into character. So watch the thought and its ways with care. And let it spring from love, born out of concern for all beings. As the shadow follows the body, as we think, so we become.’

The heroes in “The Shift” learn that by focusing on what they want rather then what they don’t want, they learn to see themselves as powerful co-creators, rather than victims or pawns in the battle between good an evil. They also learn that evil can be transformed simply by the way they relate to it, and that the old story humanity has played out over and over again that teaches us we must do battle with evil, using force to crush and defeat it, is giving way to a new (perhaps ancient – but new to us) story – one in which humans learn to approach evil with truth, love, and compassion. Going by this new/ancient story, the heroes in “The Shift” learn that the only power evil has over them, is the power they give to it.”

Shaw envisions that as people experience the live show, interact with the website, and dare to manifest their own positive visions of the future in their communities, that “The Shift” will become a catalyst towards the creation of a more sane and sustainable future.

Ten percent of the show’s profits will be donated to projects relating to sustainability on Orcas supporting programs like FEAST, Food Masters, Farm to Cafeteria, and Orcas Recycling Services.

Again, the link to donate is

Or go to and search for The Shift.

Shaw is also looking for long term production partners to put up the live show, and to further develop material for an ongoing web TV or Cable TV series. All forms of support are welcome. Needed besides capital are:

Prayers (Most valuable)

Donation of a Vehicle for Travel, (Preferably a VW or Westfailia Camper Van)

Directors – for both Musical and Dramatic Direction.

Please contact Samara Shaw by email at if you’d like to get more involved.

It’s Time to Make the Shift

Orcas local, Samara Shaw has launched a Kickstarter Fundraising campaign to develop a full length musical she has written for the stage, titled The Shift.  The Shift is a modern day story about our collective transformational process, and is almost ready for production. Seeking support for the final phases of development, Shaw is raising capital for rewrites, workshopping, to set up a website, and to get pre-production rolling.  Donating is easy atThe Shift’s Kickstarter page:


In return for donations, supporters receive rewards, including downloads and or/CDs from local Orcas Island musicians.


The Shift brings together the creative talents of a large group of artists, healers, and visionaries – including many from Orcas:  Dustin Fox, Sharon Abreu, Ben Sheppard, Davis Limbach, Freddy Hinckle, Mariah Dimich, Katie Grey, Prabhupad, and Ione Angeles.


Other unique aspects of this show include the use of ancient sound technologies, including chant, toning, singing crystal bowls, tibetan metal singing bowls, peruvian whistling vestals, and other psychoacoustic sound tools.


Show themes include, spiritual awakening and resistance, facing the shadow within, and surrender to a higher power.


The Story


As predicted, The Shift on earth is in full swing. Suddenly, a flash of light covers the entire earth, bringing instant awakening to millions. Millions of others tragically and mysteriously kill themselves. People are taught to fear this awakening, by a government out to microchip the entire population. Our heroes try to stop these dark, controlling forces, only to realize that this darkness also resides within them.


The story of The Shift teaches, that in these changing times, we must be willing to face everything.  No matter how dark, evil, or completely horrible – we must be willing to face it – within ourselves, in our communities, and in our world.  Then we must be willing to release whatever it is that separates us from the truth of who we really are and realizing all we are capable of.


But then what do we do, when our beliefs, fear based concepts and thoughts, old emotional patterns, come up for release?  Some characters in The Shift find themselves in resistance, responding to the call of release by fighting it. While others go for flight, and try to escape in any way they can.


Eventually, the heroes in The Shift learn that these changes are part of an evolutionary process to help humans shift to a more sane and sustainable existence on the planet.  Pushed and pulled by mysterious forces, our heroes get to the point where the only thing that brings relief is an attitude of total surrender.


The inspiration behind The Shift


Shaw was inspired to write, The Shift through an intense desire to help people understand and live our, their purpose on earth.  She writes in her blog, “As humanity wakes up to our true purpose, we realize there is much about the nature of life and reality that we don’t understand.  As we expand our awareness, we begin to see that we don’t have to accept things ‘as they are’.


The Shift teaches us that each loving, uniting, compassionate, healing thought we have, contributes to a collective consciousness, and when we learn to live from this place of love, compassion, and understanding most of the time, we will come to realize humans are capable of so much more than we’ve been led to believe.  From this positive, loving understanding, our capacity to heal, manifest, create miracles, and to realize our innate gifts and abilities, will only expand.

Jesus predicted these times by saying,


‘Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believes on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.’


Buddha put it this way,

‘The thought manifests as the word. The word manifests as the deed. The deed develops into habit.  And the habit hardens into character.  So watch the thought and its ways with care.  And let it spring from love, born out of concern for all beings.  As the shadow follows the body, as we think, so we become.’

The heroes in The Shift learn that by focusing on what they want rather then what they don’t want, they learn to see themselves as powerful co-creators, rather than victims or pawns in the battle between good an evil.  They also learn that evil can be transformed simply by the way they relate to it, and that the old story humanity has played out over and over again that teaches us we must do battle with evil, using force to crush and defeat it, is giving way to a new (perhaps ancient – but new to us) story – one in which humans learn to approach evil with truth, love, and compassion.  Going by this new/ancient story, the heroes in The Shift learn that the only power evil has over them, is the power they give to it.”


Shaw envisions that as people experience the live show, interact with the website, and dare to manifest their own positive visions of the future in their communities, that The Shift will become a catalyst towards the creation of a more sane and sustainable future.


10% of the show’s profits will be donated to projects relating to sustainability on Orcas supporting programs like, FEAST, Food Masters, Farm to Cafeteria, and Orcas Recycling Services.


Again the link to donate is


Or go to and search for The Shift.


Shaw is also looking for long term production partners to put up the live show, and to further develop material for an ongoing web TV or Cable TV series.  All forms of support are welcome.  Needed besides capital are:


Prayers (Most valuable)

Donation of a Vehicle for Travel, (Preferably a VW or Westfailia Camper Van)

Directors – for both Musical and Dramatic Direction.


Please contact Samara Shaw by email at if you’d like to get more involved.