Sally Reeve, Member, Islanders for San Juan Islands NCA

The public is invited to the Salish Landscapes Series on Lopez Island this spring.

Tuesday March 13 Russel Barsh is speaking at the Lopez Library, 7-9pm. Garden of the Ancestors – an introduction to Coast Salish settlement patterns, economy, and ecology. The winter ferry schedule makes it possible for those from Orcas to make it over and back for this lecture.

Tuesday March 27 Gene Helfman is speaking at the Lopez Library, 7-9pm. They All Live Downstream – a talk about the little islands and nearshore fishes in the San Juans.  Sorry, the spring ferry schedule doesn’t make it easy for those from Orcas to attend.

Thursday April 5 Tony Angell is speaking at the Lopez Community Center, 7-9pm. Crossing the Borders to Nature – artist/author Tony Angell shares some of his ‘moments’ in nature and will preview his forthcoming book, The Gifts of the Crow which he co-authored with John Marzluff. Again, our apologies that the spring ferry schedule does not make it easy for those from Orcas to attend.

Sunday, April 29 Madrona Murphy is speaking at the Lopez Library followed by a field trip, 1pm. Ancient Gardens and Sunken Mountains – a slide show on the cultural landscapes and unusual alpine plants at Iceberg Point and then a field exploration of these landscapes and plants.

These lectures are free of charge and sponsored by Islanders for San Juan Islands National Conservation Area. After each program there will be an opportunity to learn about the community effort to permanently protect the 1000 acres of existing BLM land in the San Juan Archipelago by legislation as a National Conservation Area or by proclamation as a National Monument. For more information see