Monday, February 2, 7 p.m., Emmanuel Parish Hall

— from Michele Wiley —

CallMeCaptainSusan Scott, a marine life columnist for the Honolulu Star and author of six books about nature in Hawaii, will be giving a talk on her latest adventure “Sailing to Palmyra: A novice sailor finds meaning in life through crabs, ants and the Magellanic Cloud”.

Her presentation, sponsored by Sail Orcas is free to the public on Monday, Feb. 2 at 7pm in the Emmanuel Parish Hall.

Scott is on a book tour promoting her latest book Call Me Captain: A Memoir of a Woman at Sea. In her book she shares the storms and gear failures of offshore sailing, the confusion of midlife changes and shifting marriage roles, and the magnificent world of marine biology.

For years Susan owned a sailboat the way most women own a motorcycle: She rode on it with her husband, and called it “ours,” but Honu had always been far more his than hers. When hormone storms, career doubts and a floundering marriage shattered Susan’s fairytale life in Hawaii, at 56 she took ownership of the couple’s neglected 37-foot ketch, learning to repair, refit and sail it in Hawaii’s rough waters.

A year later, she invited her 28-year-old biologist friend Alex to crew for her and the two novice sailors shoved off for Palmyra Atoll, a National Wildlife Refuge 1,000 miles south of Hawaii. There, through her work as a biologist, Susan sought sanctuary in the marine animals that are her life’s passion.