— from Gwyneth Burrill —

Alex Greening Taj Howe

Sailors, left to right are Axel Greening, Dominick Wareham, Wylie Kau, Maggie Toombs, Matia Schwartz, Kaya Osborne,  Taj Howe and coach Burke

Eight Sailors from the Orcas High School Sailing Team traveled to Seattle Yacht Club Saturday March 8,th to take part in the NWISA kick –off regatta.

This one day regatta had 24 boats show up. Teams traveled from all over the North West to participate. The weather this spring has given us snow, sleet, too much wind and now after the kick off regatta we can add no wind and way too much rain. SYC race management tried their best all day, but Mother Nature only allowed them to get off 3 light air races.

Highlights for Orcas were a second place finish by Wylie Kau and Michael Chesher and a third place finish by Dominick Wareham and Axel Greening. The team will travel to the Bellingham Regional Regatta on Saturday March 15th. For complete results of kick off regatta, go to https://scores.hssailing.org/s14/kick-off/