Many seniors came of age following World War II and the Korean War. They or their parents survived the Great Depression. A cornerstone of their self-worth is independence and the ability to pay one’s own way. It is difficult for many seniors to ask for help or to see themselves as needy.

Orcas Senior Center (OSC) provides its services to older adults with respect, deference, and empowerment. That is especially important when the frustration of cognitive change, including dementia, is at play. OSC helps provide hearing and other health screenings for seniors. OSC leads a Dementia Friendly Communities® initiative called Dementia Friendly Orcas.

By the time they are 80, the typical senior has walked more than 100,000 miles. Many seniors are unable to care for or even reach their feet. Transportation is also key to successful aging in place.

OSC offers foot care services provided by certified nurses to keep seniors mobile, active, and healthy. OSC provides off-island transportation for medical appointments as well as social outings and shopping trips. To learn more about Dementia Friendly Orcas, transportation services, and much more, go to www.orcasseniors.org.

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