Mikail Van Maren takes the first leg and pulls hard

Rowers prepare for NW Regional Regatta with hopes to compete in Tennessee Nationals

By Martin Taylor

From 12 noon on Saturday May 5 to 12 noon Sunday May 6, Orcas Island Rowing (OIR) continuously powered a rowing machine (erg) in 30 minute shifts. The junior rowers camped out on the covered sidewalk outside Island Market and kept the erg turning continuously for 24 hours. Coaches and parents worked as chaperones to make sure the kids were safe and rotated turns on the erg.

This is an annual tradition for the club. It is a team-building event, a chance to grow team spirit in preparation for the last and most important scheduled regatta the NW Junior Regionals which take place in less than two weeks in Vancouver, Wash.

The club has high hopes for a couple of boats to qualify for the National Championships this year. Only two boats crews have ever gone to Nationals in the club’s 15 year history, but that is still a phenomenal achievement for the smallest junior rowing club in the NW and possibly the nation.

OIR completed a record distance “rowed” in over 24 hours last weekend. They completed 332,207 meters (206.44 miles). That beat their previous record of 323,740 meters set in 2010. It was a sterling performance with every participant doing a phenomenal job. Several were taking part in the event for the first time. Many of those who had taken part before did more distance in 30 minutes than ever before.

pitstop crew

A pitstop crew helps with a changeover

Everything conspired to bring about a wonderful experience. The weather was perfect, the performance a record and our supporters helped make it a party.

Special kudos to Jake Zier who pulled over 8k in each of his three 30 minute sessions — a very impressive performance. Those who have pulled a 30 minute shift on the erg know just how impressive that is.

The team and coaches would like to thank all who helped cheer them on. They are very  grateful to those who made generous donations in support of the club. OIR would like to extend special thanks to Island Market for generously making the space in front of their business available to community events like ours. This event and many others would not be possible without their support.

The junior crew is approaching the end of their regular season. The NW Regional Regatta takes place in just two weeks — not long to get ready for the competition that is either the end of the season, or for those few who do well enough, the qualifier for the National Regatta three weeks later in Oak Ridge, Tenn. OIR has high hopes of taking one or two boats to Nationals this year so wish us good luck and we will try to do the rest.

The team has some expensive equipment purchases they need to make  this year and if they are good enough to go to Nationals there will be significant additional expenses. Check out their web site for more information about the club and links to make donations in support of the team.