The Rotary Foundation of the San Juan Islands is pleased to announce a new initiative to help children at home and abroad. Feeding Minds and Bodies at Home and Abroad will help Rotary expand the reach of three programs we run in San Juan County and the Copán Ruinas region of western Honduras: 52 weekends (formerly known as 36 Weekends), Advancing Children’s Literacy in San Juan County, and Adopt a Dream in Copán Ruinas.
The Rotary Foundation of SJI will be raising funds on Giving Tuesday (December 3) and beyond to support all three programs. Our goal is to raise $20,000. To jump start the fundraising, Susan Martin, President of the Rotary Foundation of the San Juan Islands, and Michael Martin, a member of Rotary, will match the first $3,000 in contributions. To donate,
please visit the Rotary Foundation of SJI website at https://rotaryfoundationsanjuanislands.org/ where you will find a donation button.
52 Weekends is Rotary’s signature program on San Juan Island. Nearly 50% of the children who attend public schools in Friday Harbor are enrolled in free and reduced lunch programs during the school year. Many children, however, go without sufficient food over the weekend as well as during holiday breaks and the summer.
During this coming year, we will be expanding our food offerings in order to provide more nutritious and delicious options. We know that students who are well fed are also more likely to succeed in school. Teachers have reported improvements in children’s reading skills, math skills, ability to focus and to do partner work since 52 Weekends went into operation.
While 52 Weekends feeds the body, Rotary’s literacy program feeds the mind. Rotary’s dictionary program, founded by Rotarian Barbara Fagan, began in 2007. Dictionaries are gifted to every 3rd grade student in San Juan County.
Rotary has also sponsored the annual Spelling Bee for more than 17 years. Currently, about 40 children in schools on San Juan Island and Orcas Island participate. The funds we raise will help us bring in children from elsewhere SJ county. Winners of the Spelling Bee and their school and classroom receive cash prizes. Rotary has also constructed two Little Libraries on San Juan Island. One is at the Fairgrounds and focuses on children’s books. The other is at Roche Harbor and provides books to adults as well. We hope to expand the number of Little Libraries in the coming year.
Rotary International feeds the body and mind of children around the globe. Our local Rotary Club does its part through the International Project Alliance (IPA), a large collaborative group of Rotary clubs in northwest Washington State and British Columbia, who have made a long-term commitment to helping the people of the Copán Ruinas region of western Honduras. Founded in 2014, projects cover most areas of international aid, including education, health, food and agriculture, water and sanitation, construction, and economic development. Rotarians on the island are generous supporters of IPS’s childhood education program, called Adopt a Dream. We collectively support schools and individually support children throughout their educational endeavors. At present, however, there are more students than sponsors.
Please help us reach our goal. Your generous contributions will support and expand our good work locally and abroad.
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