Thursday, May 2, 4 p.m., Emmanuel Episcopal Parish

— from Lynn Baker for Orcas Choral Society —

With Orcas Choral Society singing a short Bach mass and Vivaldi’s Gloria
May 4-5, Roger Sherman will give a free companion lecture, “Bach Meets Vivaldi,” Thursday, May 2, at 4 p.m. at Emmanuel Episcopal Church parish
hall, 242 Main St., Eastsound.

Orcas’ own master organist, record impresario and music historian, Sherman knows more about Baroque composers than the rest of us put together. He’s given similar pre-concert talks for the Seattle Symphony and Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival as well as Orcas Choral Society. His witty, erudite lectures are a joy. Come and hear!

Artistic Director of Orcas Choral Society from 2010-2016, Sherman owns and operates The Gothic Catalog, based on Orcas, which records choral and organ concerts worldwide. Associate Organist Emeritus of St. Mark’s Cathedral in Seattle, he produces and hosts the popular “Organ Loft” radio program and has served as Executive Director of the Westfield Center for historic keyboard instruments.