Saturday, October 22 at 11 a.m., Orcas Public Library

Wednesday, October 26 at 11:45 a.m., Senior Center

— from Pegi Groundwater —

Medicare is not easy to understand. Every year Medicare premiums and copays change. The insurance companies change the formula of drugs they cover and the copays you will pay. Most years, one or more plans leave our area, and new plans are introduced.

You are given seven weeks, between October 15 and December 7, each year to review your Medicare choices and to make adjustments for 2017 to fit your changing health needs. Understanding how all of these changes affect you and whether you should make changes can be very difficult and SHIBA volunteers are here to help you.

The Orcas Island SHIBA volunteers are planning two public presentations to discuss what is new and why you should do an annual Medicare checkup to see if the choices you made in the past still are the best fit for you. Join us at the Orcas Public Library on Saturday, October 22 at 11:00 or at the Orcas Senior Center on Wednesday, October 26 at 11:45 to learn how Medicare works and what your coverage options are in San Juan County for 2017.

SHIBA volunteers will explain what has changed for 2017 and will show you how to use the website to see if the Prescription Drug Plan you are enrolled in will be your best choice for 2017. There are many reasons why you might want to change plans:

  • Your medications may have changed since you enrolled in your Plan
  • Your Plan may have changed its terms
  • Other Plans may now be cheaper

SHIBA volunteers on Orcas Island provide confidential counseling assistance in their office at the Orcas Medical Center. You can arrange an appointment to meet with one of them by calling 376-2561.

All SHIBA volunteers have been trained by specialists from the Office of the Washington Insurance Commissioner and tested on their knowledge, have undergone background checks, and have been evaluated on their counseling skills. SHIBA volunteers also receive monthly continuing education training to keep their knowledge current.

Island Hospital has sponsored the SHIBA volunteers in San Juan County for the past 25 years and the Orcas Medical Center has donated office space for SHIBA volunteers to provide confidential counseling sessions on Orcas Island.

You can call 376-2561 to set up a confidential counseling session with one of our SHIBA volunteers.