— from the Office of Debra Lekanoff —


On Thursday, December 13, 2018, Committee assignments for the upcoming Washington State legislative session were announced by the House Democratic Caucus. Representative Elect Debra Lekanoff was appointed Vice Chair of the Environmental and Energy Committee.

“I am honored to represent the values of the 40th LD in our state legislature. If we stay true to our values we can achieve both economic prosperity and protect the environment throughout our state,” said Lekanoff. “My portfolio of committees weave together opportunities that reflect the voices that called for action in the area of taking care this place we all call home.”

Representative-Elect Lekanoff will also serve on two additional committees, Agriculture & Natural Resources and Capital Budget.

“We need to make bold incremental changes to our way of life here in the 40th. Regardless of individual beliefs about climate change, we are seeing indicators that our surrounding ecosystems are changing. Our most recent indicator being the health of the Orca Whales in our waters and passed history of the disappearance of salmon in our streams,” said Lekanoff. ” We are all facing the impact of environmental degradation upon our infrastructures, human health, and resources and only together will we adapt, change, and find solutions to the challenges we face as a community.”

Representative-Elect Lekanoff takes office in January 2019. She fills a seat previously held by Representative Kris Lytton. Elected in 2010, Lytton was a champion for education and fought to expand opportunities for students and teachers, advocated for children, and worked diligently on tax reform. After eight years in the legislature, Representative Lytton announced her retirement in Spring 2018 and did not seek re-election.

“To serve the 40th LD has been a privilege and I am very excited to pass the torch to Representative-Elect Lekanoff,” said Representative Lytton. “There is no doubt that our choice to select Debra as our voice in Olympia is the best the 40th could make. She is a testament to our commitment to our collective values and principles here in the 40th and I believe that she will represent us well and include all perspectives when making decisions impacting our state and our district.”

Representative-Elect Lekanoff will be the first Native American woman to hold a seat in the Washington State House of Representatives.