Mark Padbury, Gulliver Rankin, David Kau, Gil Blinn, Fred Klein and Sandy Playa accept the Design Award on behalf of the "Gang of Thieves" for the Stage on the Green.

Mark Padbury, Gulliver Rankin, David Kau, Gil Blinn, Fred Klein and Sandy Playa accept the Design Award on behalf of the "Gang of Thieves" for the Stage on the Green.

A wide array of county advisors and officials spoke to the public from the Stage on the Green at Eastsound on July 2, as the Eastsound Planning Review Committee (EPRC) held an outdoor meeting to inform the public of their work, the priorities they’ve set for this year, and the challenges facing Eastsound ahead.

After the three-minute presentations, Patty Miller, on behalf of the Eastsound Design Review Committee, composed of Miller, Bill Trogdon and Jonathan Loop   gave awards to several entities, acknowledging their success in in “addressing site challenges” of new buildings that impact the character of Eastsound and movement through the village.

The Design Awards went to:

1) San Juan County Public Works Department for the sidewalks that were installed on North Beach Road and Main Street. Russ Harvey accepted the award on behalf of Public Works;

2) The “Gang of Thieves” who planned and built the Stage on the Green. In accepting the award on behalf of the larger group of about two dozen, David Kau mentioned that the Stage, built and financed by locals, won the American Institute of Architects “People’s Choice” Award;

3) John and Joannie Trumbull for “transforming” the old Eastsound Fire Station into Rose’s Bakery and Cafe. Architect Jack Jackson and builder Mark Padbury were acknowledged in the award;

4)  Clayton and Trina Olsen’s new liquor store building, designed by Chris Rost and built by Bent Nails Construction Company.

EPRC Chair Gulliver Rankin announced that the August EPRC meeting, to be held on the first Thursday of the month, will address the Country Corner LAMIRD, and to determine the EPRC’s position on it, because it is located in the Eastsound Sub-Area Plan.

The Sub-Area Plan was adopted by the County in 1981, and the EPRC was charged with interpreting its regulations, intended to preserve the vision for Eastsound.

The September and October meetings will address the Streetscape plan and Housing, and the November meeting will focus on usage of the Mount Property in Eastsound and stormwater considerations.

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