I am writing to provide you with an update on the use of OICF grant funds for Covid related rental and mortgage assistance through December 30, 2020. To date, OICF has granted $280,000, and Federal and County funds have provided an additional $95,654.

From March 23 to Dec. 31, the total requests for rental and mortgage assistance have been:

  • 211 unique households comprised of 587 people have asked for $335,091.
    • Of the total households served, 35 households (16%) identify as Hispanic, and 12 chose not to identify ethnicity.
    • 88% of households served do not rent or own through OPAL.
  • In total, OPAL has made 297 months of payments to landlords and banks with total payments of $287,357. Of total direct payments, 28% went to Hispanic households.
  • In addition, OPAL staff members have assisted another 64 requests for $61,069 that did not result in direct payments, because counseling resulted in another solution.

Summary of sources and uses:


Demand was lower over the past four months than we had anticipated, which is good news. In addition, during this period OPAL and OCRC worked with the Opportunity Council to distribute $41,262 of Federal CARES Act funds for rental assistance. It is noteworthy that we were originally told that Orcas would receive about $30,000 of the CARES Act funds, but our referral and support system was strong and we therefore received a larger allocation than expected. This contributed to utilizing fewer local CERF funds from island donors.

Recent Federal action that extends unemployment payments and provides direct payments will help some households. We anticipated that undocumented families will continue to need assistance. For now, we anticipate the fund balance will be sufficient to meet the anticipated needs through at least mid-February.