Sunday, January 27, 3 – 5 p.m., Episcopal Parish Hall

— from Natalie Menacho for Orcas Women’s Coalition —

The Orcas Women’s Coalition invites all women and transgender folks to attend “Embracing Leadership” this Sunday from 3-5pm at the Episcopal Parish Hall. 

Bring your questions! Bring your daughters, aunties and grandmothers! Women and girls of all ages are most welcome to join us in our conversation with local women leaders.

Our newly elected 40th LD Rep, Debra Lekanoff, will be our keynote speaker. Local leaders Lisa Byers (Executive Director, OPAL Community Land Trust) and Suzanne Olson (OPALCO P.R. Administrator, OWL instructor) will be speaking on their paths to leadership and answering questions. Please to join our mailing list.