— from Rep. Rick Larsen’s Office —

WASHINGTON, D.C.— Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02) voted today to overturn the President’s veto of legislation to terminate the national emergency declaration.

“I voted to overturn President Trump’s veto because Congress has a Constitutional obligation to serve as a check on the president. The House and Senate both voted to terminate the president’s declaration of a national emergency on the Southern border, yet the president continues to push for wasteful funding for an ineffective wall. Congress has already passed, and the president has signed, a bipartisan, bicameral agreement to provide funding for smart, effective border security, including $1.375 billion for new fencing.”

“I also oppose the Department of Defense’s misguided effort to circumvent Congress and repurpose $1 billion from personnel costs for wall construction. The administration appears to view military funding as a piggy bank it can raid at will.”