Thursday, August 23

— from Amanda Munger for Rick Larsen’s Office —

On Thursday, August 23, Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02) will host an affordable housing roundtable to discuss some of the obstacles to affordable housing in San Juan County and the recent New Democrat Coalition report on housing. The discussion is part of a series of roundtables on affordable housing Larsen is hosting across the Second District.

Larsen will then tour the Center for Whale Research to discuss salmon restoration and the conservation of Southern Resident Killer Whales. Larsen is a champion of the Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund, which is instrumental in protecting and restoring salmon species throughout Northwest Washington.

Larsen will then travel to Olga to tour Buck Bay Shellfish Farm. He will visit the farm stand, shellfish beds, processing plant, and fields.

Thursday, August 23, 12:30 p.m. PDT
Larsen will host an affordable housing roundtable
55 2nd Street
Friday Harbor, WA

Thursday, August 23, 1:35 p.m. PDT
Larsen will tour the Center for Whale Research
185 1st Street South
Friday Harbor, WA

Thursday, August 23, 4;20 p.m., PDT
Larsen will tour Buck Bay Shellfish Farm
117 EJ Young Road
Olga, WA