— from the Washington State Democrats —

Since first being elected in 2010 as a state representative for the 40th Legislative District, Representative Kristine Lytton, D-Anacortes, has been an advocate for children, education, and tax reform. [On March 14, 2018] Lytton announced she is retiring to spend more time with her family.

“I came to Olympia to expand opportunities for students, support our hardworking teachers, and fully fund education. This year, after years of bipartisan effort, we finally crossed that finish line,” said Lytton. “Now is the time for me to return home and be with my family, my neighbors, and my friends and spend more time with the local community.”

Previously an Anacortes School Board member, Lytton focused on education and served on the bipartisan taskforce to produce solutions to fully fund education. In addition, she proposed sweeping tax reform that would have significantly lowered property taxes statewide while maintaining funding for education.

Seatmate Representative Jeff Morris, D-Mt. Vernon, praised Lytton’s commitment and dedication.

“Kris has been a champion for the people of the 40th legislative district, ranging from important transportation projects to landmark education policy and funding efforts, to name just a few,” Morris said. “She’s also been a leader in looking for solutions to our state’s regressive tax system, finding ways of cutting the tax burden on the less fortunate and asking the wealthiest among us to pay their fair share.”