By Sharon Abreu

Endorsements Announced

At the San Juan County Democratic Central Committee quarterly meeting on October 8, 2011, Rena Patty (Orcas) stepped down as Chair and 40th Legislative District Vice Chair, having served five years combined between her roles as the San Juan County Democratic Party Chair, Legislative District Vice Chair, and Democratic State Committeewoman for San Juan County.San Juan County Democrats thank Rena for her heart-felt beliefs about nonviolence and for her service.

In other news from the San Juan County Democrats,new officers are Laura Jo Severson as Vice Chair for San Juan Island; three Precinct Committee Officers (PCOs) were approved — C.J. Adams-Collier (Orcas), David Dehledorf (San Juan) and Pat Miller (San Juan).

Vice Chairs for Orcas Island and Lopez Island are being sought. Ron Zee will serve as interim Chair and 40th Legislative District Vice Chair until the next quarterly meeting in January.

The SJC Democratic Central Committee made the following endorsements:

* Roger Adams, candidate for Eastsound Sewer & Water District, Position 5.

*the Washington State Bank Resolution, including a friendly amendment to call on our state representatives to investigate and support the creation of a Washington State Bank similar to the Bank of North Dakota.  For the text of the resolution, see:

*the Declaration of Occupation of New York City put forth by the General Assembly of Occupy Wall Street, as a gesture of solidarity with those who are out in the streets for peace, economic and social justice. For the text of the declaration, see:

Future dates announced are:

Oct. 19: Election Ballots go out.

October 29: State Representative Kris Lytton will be hosting a Town Hall at the Fire Hall in Eastsound on Saturday, Oct. 29 from 1-3 pm. All Orcas residents are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Nov. 4: The lawsuit to remove bar codes from SJC ballots will be heard in Superior Court.

November 5 & 6: Brian Gunn from Auburn will give two presentations on the efforts of “Move to Amend” (, Saturday, Nov. 5 on San Juan Island, and Sunday Nov. 6 at the Fire Hall in Eastsound. The presentations are free and open to the public. For more information, contact Sharon Abreu (376-5773) or Sarah Crosby (378-3021).