Tuesday October 23, 6pm at the Orcas Island Library

Can beauty save the world? Filmmaker John de Graaf will present his latest documentary “Redefining Prosperity,” the story of Nevada City’s fight to keep dams off the Yuba River.

Born in the California Gold Rush, Nevada City was once the scene of some of the most destructive environmental practices on earth. In the 1960’s the town was discovered by the “back to the land movement,” and became torn by clashing values defining wealth.

The 16-year fight through the ‘80s and ‘90s to keep dams off the beautiful Yuba River and to protect the watershed turned conflict between conservatives and liberals into understanding based on nature, community and a sense of place. The nature movement changed ideas about food, education and respect for nature.

Join director John de Graaf for Redefining Prosperity: The Gold Rushes of Nevada City, and talk about the And Beauty for All campaign (www.andbeautyforall.org). Additional information is available at (www.redefiningprosperityfilm.com). Refreshments are courtesy of the Friends of the Library.


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