from Gretchen Krampf

Friday, September 20, 7 p.m., Heartwood House

The film “Things We Don’t Talk About” documents the stories of women reclaiming their sacredness, their truth and their voice as changers in the world. We are in a new era of history – the healing of ourselves and our planet is finding guidance from women. This movie chronicles the voices of The Red Tent movement, one that is sweeping the world and signals the clarion call to all who envision a world built around cooperation rather than competition. A world we want to leave our children, their children and stretching far into the future. “Things We Don’t Talk About” shows Red Tents around the nation gifting women with an opportunity to remember, to listen, to know, and to discover what needs to be brought into our communities to help re-awaken their voices.

Dr. Isadora Leidenfrost, the film’s director and producer, will share her experiences making this movie on Friday, September 20th at 7PM and we’ll transform Heartwood on Orcas, 70 Langell Lane into a Red Tent experience. Suggested Donation is $15, and please bring a savory or sweet to share. Space is limited so RSVP by contacting Gretchen Krampf at 360-317-8220, or via email.

For more information about “Things We Don’t Talk About” and to view the clips from the film, visit the website.