The Orcas Island Library is honored to welcome author, poet, and artist Sasha LaPointe on Thursday, May 5 at 6 p.m. on the South Lawn and by zoom meeting. Register to attend online. Darvill’s will be on hand to sell her book, Red Paint.

Sasha is from the Upper Skagit and Nooksack Indian Tribe. Native to the Pacific Northwest, she draws inspiration from her coastal heritage as well as her life in the city. She writes with a focus on trauma and resilience, ranging topics from PTSD, sexual violence, the work her great grandmother did for the Lushootseed language revitalization, to loud basement punk shows and what it means to grow up mixed heritage.

With strange obsessions revolving around Twin Peaks, the Seattle music scene, and Coast Salish Salmon Ceremonies, Sasha explores her own truth of indigenous identity in the Coast Salish territory. 

Her memoir Red Paint: The Ancestral Autobiography of a Coast Salish Punk was published by Counterpoint Press on March 8, 2022 and is available at the library. Her collection of poetry, Rose Quartz will be published by Milkweed in Spring, 2023.