From Brendan Cowan, Department of Emergency Management

Snow is forecast for the islands on Wednesday. Amounts of 2-6″ are predicted, starting to fall mid-day.

Forecast info:

Winter Storm Preparedness:

Winter driving tips, courtesy of the WA State Department of Transportation:

  • Clear snow and ice from all windows and lights – even the hood and roof – before driving.
  • Pay attention. Don’t try to out-drive the conditions. Remember the posted speed limits are for dry pavement.
  • Leave plenty of room for stopping.
  • Leave room for maintenance vehicles and plows – stay back at least 200 feet.
  • Use brakes carefully. Brake early. Don’t stomp on the brakes. It takes more time to stop in adverse conditions.
  • Don’t get overconfident in your 4×4 vehicle. Remember that your four-wheel drive vehicle may help you get going quicker than other vehicles but it won’t help you stop any faster. Many 4×4 vehicles are heavier than passenger vehicles and actually may take longer to stop. Don’t get overconfident with your 4×4 vehicle’s traction. Your 4×4 can lose traction as quickly as a two-wheel drive vehicle.
  • Don’t pump anti-lock brakes. If your car is equipped with anti-lock brakes, do not pump brakes in attempting to stop. The right way is to “stomp and steer”.
  • Remember that trucks are heavier than cars. Trucks take longer to safely respond and come to a complete stop, so avoid cutting quickly in front of them.
  • Go slow! Drive according to conditions.