Senate approves Ranker Puget Sound Corps bill

From the Senate Democrats office

On Feb. 23, the State Senate approved a bill sponsored by Senator Kevin Rankin to create green jobs for youth and veterans seeking work. With passage of Senate Bill 5230, Washington is one step closer to creating the “Puget Sound Corps” within the state. The bill is expected to create at least 150 new jobs for our returning veterans and our youth with the possibility for further growth in the future.

“This bill cuts across the silos between agencies, consolidating four duplicative programs into one without fiscal impact,” Said  Senator Ranker, the bill’s prime sponsor. “Not only does it create green collar jobs for veterans and young people, it also provides them training so they can keep working long after the program expires.”

Ranker emphasized the symbolic nature of the legislation.

“This bill is an example of the direction in which we need to head as a state,” Said Ranker. “This is not government reform. This is better government. This session, that’s a concept that both Democrats and Republicans should rally behind.”

The bill passed the Senate with a bi-partisan vote, 40-8, and is headed to the House of Representatives for further consideration.

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