— from Senator Kevin Ranker —

After a lengthy debate on the Senate floor, the state will permanently ban commercial net pens used for farming invasive Atlantic salmon in Washington state waters, following [Friday’s] passage of House Bill 2957 on a vote of 31-16.

I was proud to work with my seatmate Representative Kristine Lytton to advance her legislation in the Senate. The state ban is a strong stance to ensure the protection of our marine environment and native salmon populations in the Salish Sea. There has been a tremendous outpouring of support in the nine months that this bill was developed, and there are many to thank. With the passage of this bill, Washingtonians will no longer accept this risky industry in our state waters.

We have invested far too much in the restoration of our Salish Sea. The economic, cultural, and recreational resources of these incredible waters will no longer be jeopardized by the negligent actions of this industry.

Having already passed the House, the bill now goes to the governor to be signed into law.

Thank you for your support. Your calls and emails were critical to the success of this bill.