— from Dave Pringle, Senate Democratic Communications —

State Senator Kevin Ranker

Following the Washington state House of Representatives passing SHB 2200, protecting internet privacy, with a vote of 87-10, sponsor of the Senate version SB 5919, Sen. Kevin Ranker, D-Orcas Island, released the following statement:

“People expect their online, personal information to be kept private and protected. With a lack of leadership in D.C. and uncertainty of any federal action in the near future, the state must step in to keep consumer’s information safe.

“Legislators from across the aisle of both chambers hear the public outcry over Congress’ recent actions to make personal data available for sale; the state Senate must now do its part and act on this legislation to ensure online transparency and consumer protection.

“The bill clearly requires opt-in approval for consumer information to be used, sold or accessed for profit and ensures specific customer information is protected under the Consumer Protection Act.”