— from Aaron Wasser —

Bill signing for outdoor recreation bill (SB 5843). This bill changes criteria for the “No Child Left Inside” program to incentivize programs applying for grants to utilize veterans for at least 50 percent of their program implementation. The bill also creates an outdoor recreation policy advisor position in the Governor’s office. Statewide, there are 199,000 jobs and $21.6 billion in annual spending related to outdoor recreation.  Location: Tolmie State Park

Bill signing for outdoor recreation bill (SB 5843). This bill changes criteria for the “No Child Left Inside” program to incentivize programs applying for grants to utilize veterans for at least 50 percent of their program implementation. The bill also creates an outdoor recreation policy advisor position in the Governor’s office. Statewide, there are 199,000 jobs and $21.6 billion in annual spending related to outdoor recreation.
Location: Tolmie State Park

With one of Washington’s 186 state parks as a backdrop, Governor Jay Inslee on Wednesdaysigned legislation at a rare off campus ceremony that will invest more than a million dollars toward the hiring of veterans and others to get more children outside while promoting Washington’s incredible outdoor recreation industry.

Senate Bill 5843 was signed into law at Tolmie State Park on the shores of Puget Sound during a special ceremony while dozens of school children, veterans and lawmakers looked on.

A study completed earlier this year revealed that $21.6 billion in economic activity is generated each year by outdoor recreation in Washington. The same report notes that across the state, with 199,000 direct jobs, there are more jobs in outdoor recreation than in either aerospace or the tech industry.

Sen. Kevin Ranker, D-Orcas Island, prime sponsor of the bill, said that even more needs to be done to foster economic activity and job growth. He said this bill is a big step in that direction.

“Our great outdoors are big business,” Ranker said. “But we can do even more to promote thousands of jobs that depend upon our beautiful rivers, mountains, forests and beaches. That’s what the modest investment in this bill is all about. There is a massive return on our investment in the outdoor industry and the protection and creation of outdoor opportunities.”

In addition to job creation, the bill also enhances Washingtonian’s access to natural surroundings, with a particular emphasis on outdoor education and recreation programming aimed at encouraging kids to begin enjoying our great outdoors at a young age.

“Our children are the future stewards of our environment,” Ranker said. “I sincerely hope this legislation teaches more children about the magic of getting outside and enjoying our world-class recreational opportunities.  Whether it’s learning to surf in Westport or learning to fly fish on the Yakima, teaching our children about our incredible outdoor experiences at an early age will help protect these recreational opportunities into the future while significantly decreasing health risk and obesity.”

The bill, which is cosponsored by Sen. Linda Evans Parlette, R-Wenatchee, will invest $1 million in the “No Child Left Inside” program, which provides grants across the state that prioritize the hiring of veterans and promotes kids getting off the couch and into the great outdoors. The legislation also creates a senior policy advisor directly to the Governor to focus on outdoor recreation and the promotion of outdoor recreation and the jobs that depend upon it in Washington State.

The bill follows recommendations from Inslee’s Blue Ribbon Task Force on Parks and Outdoor Recreation, on which Parlette and Ranker served.