From the Senate Democrats Office

State Senator Kevin Ranker, D-San Juan, received an appointment to President Obama’s National Ocean Council Governance Coordinating Committee (GCC)  on Feb. 22. Ranker is one of 18 members from states, federally-recognized tribes and local governments to be chosen to serve. Ranker will represent coastal and great lake states and legislatures from throughout the country on the committee.

As chair of the Senate Natural Resources & Marine Waters Committee, Ranker has had a hand in developing significant amounts of legislation regarding oceans and marine waters in Washington.

Ranker noted the significance the position holds for Washington State.

“There has to be a balance between environmental and economic concerns in all communities, but it’s vitally important in Washington State because our lives and livelihoods are so intertwined with our oceans and marine waters,” Ranker said. “A committee member that understands this level of interconnectivity is vital.”

As part of the GCC, Ranker will be working to coordinate the implementation of national oceans policy across state and local governments throughout the country.

“From tourism to real estate to building to our ports and commerce, local industries across the country rely on healthy oceans and marine waters,” Ranker said. “I look forward to ensuring that what works in the Atlantic also works in the Pacific.”

“I am honored to receive this appointment and look forward to serving on the committee.”

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