Thursday, March 15 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Eastsound Waterfront Park

A special rally to end home foreclosures in our community is planned for Thursday, March 14 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The rally will take place at Eastsound Waterfront Park, as part of the weekly Occupy Orcas Island event.

Government and environmental activist Sharon Abreu is organizing the event, and she has written new lyrics to a song that people can sing together: “Give the People Back Their Homes”. She says, ” It’s a simple melody – basically “Polly Wolly Doodle.”

“My feeling is that we need to stand up for those in our community that have fallen into the abyss of an economy wrecked in large part by the very banks that got bailed out with our tax dollars. Here is a great chance to do that!”

Thursday, March 15 is the same day the Senate banking committee meets in D.C. and similar rallies to the one planned for Eastsound are being organized around the country.

Abreu says, “We’ll videotape the rally and post it on youtube, so come with signs and your voices!”

The words to the song Sharon has written are:

Get our billions back from Goldman Sachs,
Give the people back their homes.
Let’s erase JP Morgan Chase,
Give the people back their homes.

Make the CEO’s sell their 3rd and 4th homes,
So we don’t have to live in tents,
Or on a couch in our parents’ house,
Or struggle to pay rent.

Those who got our dough worship money so –
It really is a crime.
They’ve got the clout, they get bailed out,
And up the ladder they climb.

Oh, Bush and Cheney stole from us,
And on their spending goes.
Obama hasn’t helped us much,
But he paid the CEO’s.

Yeah, the Wall Street crooks get bailed out.
Our dollars line their lies.
Foreclosure signs line every route
Time for them to get downsized!