May 1 – 30, Senior Center Lundeen Room

— from Jacqueline Kempfer —


Oil paintings by Anna Tejada

The public is invited to view and exhibit of paintings, photography and sculpture in the Lundeen Room of the Orcas Island Senior Center. Our “raining cats and dogs” exhibit also includes the latest photos of the cats and dogs now available for adoption at the Orcas Animal Shelter. We have featured candid photos of Orcas Islanders with their favorite cats and dogs and some wonderful stories from the owners  of pets adopted from our shelter.

Contributers to this heartwarming show were The Orcas Animal Shelter, Barbara LaBrash, Caroline Buchanan, Ann Hammond, Simone Hansen, Suzanne Lamb, Joyce Rupp, Sue Watkin, Jacqueline Kempfer, Michelle Needham, Carol Owens, Anna Tehada, Elizabeth Waterman, Erin Grato, Michelle and Doug Marshall, Joyce Greene, Jean Wellington, Jane Heisinger, Katie Jensen, Midge Loflaand, Irene O’neil & Walter Morgan, Lois Baney, Marj Franke, Frank Loudin, Dora Blake and a special thanks to Margot Shaw for the “shelter portraits”.
Orcas Animal Shelter 84A Hope Lane Eastsound Open Daily 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Orcas Island Senior Center 62 Henry Road Eastsound Open Mon – Fri 10:00 am – 4:00 pm