San Juan County’s Public Works Department published a community survey that posed the question, “How should your roads work for you?” After collecting responses and analyzing the data, the County is pleased to share the results.

Why was this survey published? 

The Public Works Department wanted to gain a better understanding of what residents are experiencing on County roads, while using marine facilities, or traveling on or near road shoulders. Staff developed a 26-question survey hosted on the Engage San Juan County platform. These questions and more will guide the County in planning for future road and infrastructure projects.     

How was this survey shared? 

The survey was live for 36 days on the County’s Engage platform. It was advertised via social media, press releases, posters, direct email campaigns, and more.

Who took this survey? 

The survey received 1,002 responses. The majority of contributors, 85%, are full-time island residents. 14% of respondents consider themselves part-time residents and 1% of respondents identify as visitors.

Of those respondents, 41% live on San Juan Island, 27% live on Orcas Island, 22% live on Lopez Island, 4% live on Shaw Island, 4% live on Decatur Island, and 1% or less live on Stuart, Waldron, the mainland, or ‘other.’

Where can I get the data?

The public is invited to explore the data, graphs and maps on the Engage San Juan County platform: engage.sanjuancountywa.gov/how-should-your-roads-work-for-you

About San Juan County’s Public Works Department    

San Juan County’s Public Works Department offices are located at 1609 Beaverton Valley Road, Friday Harbor, WA 98250. For more information about San Juan County’s Public Works Department, visit www.sanjuanco.com/277/Public-Works .


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