Friday, Jan. 16 at 8:45 a.m. in County Council Chambers, Friday Harbor

—  from Colin Maycock, County Senior Planner —

Notice is hereby given that the San Juan County Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing on two draft ordinances amending and clarifying the administrative procedures required for all legislative actions taken by the County Council.

1. An ordinance regarding legislative and site specific amendments to the Comprehensive Plan Official Map, amending San Juan County Code Chapter 18.90 (title) and sections 18.30.020, 18.30.250, 18.30.310, 18.80.100, 18.90.010, 18.90.020, 18.90.025, 18.90.030, 18.90.050 and 18.90.060. This ordinance contains the approval criteria for legislative map changes and notification procedures in section 7 recommended by the Planning Commission at the October 17th 2014.

2. An ordinance regarding legislative actions including Comprehensive Plan Official Map amendments, docket identification and notification procedures, amending San Juan County Code sections 18.30.020, 18.30.250, 18.30.310, 18.80.100, 18.90.010, 18.90.020, 18.90.025, 18.90.030, 18.90.050 and 18.90.060. Section 6 of this ordinance include docket identification, notification procedures and approval criteria for legislative map amendments not previously considered by the Planning Commission, that vary from those recommended by the Planning Commission.

The hearing will begin at or after 8:45 a.m., January 16, 2015, in the County Council Chambers, 55 Second Street, Friday Harbor. Interested parties are encouraged to attend and provide comment. To allow for distribution to Planning Commissioners, written comments submitted prior to the hearing should be received by 1:00 p.m. January 14, 2015. The hearing may be continued from time to time and place to place as may be desired by the Planning Commission without additional written notice.

Copies of the proposed amendments & associated documents are available from the County web site at Copies of the proposed ordinance will be mailed without charge upon request. For more information or to submit comments contact Colin Maycock AICP, San Juan County CD&P, PO Box 947, Friday Harbor, WA, 98250, (360) 370-7573,