Monday, August 19, 9:15 a.m., Council Hearing Room

— from San Juan County Communications —

San Juan County Council will continue their July 8, 2019, public hearing to consider adoption of an ordinance regarding the creation of a new Lopez Village Subarea Plan, new development regulations for the Lopez Village urban growth area.

The hearing will be held on Monday August 19, 2019, at or after 9:15 am in the County Council Hearing Room, Legislative Building, 55 Second Street, Friday Harbor, San Juan Island.

A staff memo includes the Council’s recommended ordinance changes to date. It may be reviewed at

The memo includes the following attachments:

  • A.  Ordinance including proposed development regulations and Exhibits:
  • Ordinance Exhibits:
  • SJC Comprehensive Plan, Section B, Element 2, Land Use Element
  • San Juan County Comprehensive Plan Official Map sheet for Lopez Island
  • Lopez Village Subarea Plan
  • Standard Plans for Lopez Village Urban Growth Area
  • Lopez Village Subarea Plan Implementation Plan
  • B.   Public hearing notices

Each exhibit is bookmarked in the pdf.

Public comments must be sent to

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