The PTSA will hold a special meeting on Wednesday, January 20th at 5:30pm in the School Library to hear a brief presentation about the upcoming School Bond & Levy, and to provide the community with an opportunity to ask questions.

Butch Reifert, managing partner of the architecture firm, Mahlum, will provide brief background information on the studies and findings that were completed by local and off-island engineers and consultants, that helped determine the scope of the renovation and construction necessary to address issues of health and safety, operational issues and educational program needs of the schools.

Mahlum has designed and overseen construction in hundreds of public school projects in the Pacific Northwest, over the past 70 years.

Superintendent Barbara Kline and school board members will answer questions about the bond and levy from the audience. There will also be materials available that detail all parts of the process to date. More information is available on the school website

As always, childcare will be provided. “We hope you can attend this important meeting!” says PTSA Board President Barb Skotte.