Work goes quickly on fair days on the County's Pt. Lawrence bridge construction project

By Stan Matthews
County Website and Communications Director

Work is well underway on the new bridge over Cascade Creek on Orcas Island.

The new bridge will replace 30-inch and 18-inch culverts which have not been able to convey high flows in the creek and are an obstacle to upstream fish migration. The new 43-foot bridge will allow the high flows and provide a channel with stream sediment-sized gravel to enhance fish and wildlife habitat.

The County Public Works Department reports that a detour road is now in place, utilities have been rerouted around site, the creek has been diverted through a culvert and pile-driving for the bridge abutments should be completed this week.

Motorists and bicyclists are advised that there will be some inconvenience during constructions, as the one-lane detour will be in place until approximately Sept 30th.

The bridge will be 28 feet wide with two 10 foot lanes and 4 foot wide shoulders to accommodate bicycles and pedestrians. Weathering steel guardrails will be installed for additional vehicle safety.

The general contractor is Razz Construction of Bellingham, Washington. Local contractors supplying materials and trucks for Razz include Orcas Excavating, Sea Island Sand and Gravel, OCC, and Mark Sawyer Well Drilling. Earthworks performed work for Opalco’s and Centurylink’s utility bypass work.

$472,000 of the $609,000 project has been funded by a grant from the Salmon Recovery Funding Board.

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