The last class in “Pruning For Production” with instructor Libby Cook takes place this Sunday,  March 4th  from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.  at  Camp Indralaya in Eastsound.

Learn skills to make your trees more productive:

• demonstration and explanation from the instructor
• guided hands-on pruning
• making strategic cuts and encouraging development of fruiting wood
• tool care
• preventing and minimizing disease
• tree size management

Learner Limbach of FoodMasters, which is organizing the class, says, “If you came to the last two classes this class will offer something a bit different. If you missed the first two classes then you should definitely make this one. There are so many old neglected trees on the island.

“Come get some training and some practice and join the effort to bring the fruit trees of Orcas back into better production.”

Participants are encouraged to bring pruning tools, and a sack lunch. The cost is $20; participants may also inquire about work trade opportunities; please note that donations are collected in order to pay teachers a modest wage and enable Food Masters to continue to provide quality classes in an on-going basis. Donations can be cash or check and are tax deduct-able. Checks must be made out to the Funhouse Commons and designated “for Food Masters workshop”.

For further information, contact Marta Nielson at  or 376-2786