By Lance Evans
Executive Director. Orcas Island Chamber of Commerce

It happens every day.  A friend of mine recently had her Hotmail account hacked, and the hackers sent an email asking for ‘emergency cash’ for the account holder.  Yes … people sent money … to the hacker.

All members of the Orcas Island Chamber of Commerce are invited to join us tomorrow morning, May 5, for a very important Business Essentials presentation.  The topic is ” Computer Security for Business & Home – Best Practices. (See location details & time below)

Chamber member Tony Ghazel (Tony Ghazel Consulting) will be presenting all the information you and your business need to know about Computer Safety.  Tony brings years of expertise in the computer & information technology business.

He will cover topics far and wide:  whether you are surfing the web, dealing with customer data, best practices for backing up your data; opening emails & attachments; banking online; securing your computer; wireless or wired networks; anti-virus programs; phishing; and recommended spyware programs.

As a bonus, Tony is offering 50% off his consulting time for all Chamber business member in attendance (certain time limitations will apply). And, he is providing two door prizes:

  • An external USB hard drive
  • 1 hour consulting time with Tony free of charge

To offset room charges, the Chamber is asking for a $5 donation from its members to attend (refund for anyone not receiving their money’s worth!).

Non-Chamber members are invited to attend for $10.  We hope you can join us for this important presentation and discussion.

INFORMATION:   If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to the Chamber by replying to this email or giving us a call (376-2273).

When: Wednesday, May 5 (7:45 am coffee/tea/Teezer’s treats; 8 am – 9 am discussion)

Location: Victorian Room, Outlook Inn