— from Patsy Stephens, for the Olga Strawberry Council —

The Olga Strawberry Plant, aka Orcas Artworks before the fire

The Olga Strawberry Plant, aka Orcas Artworks and Olga Café before the fire

The arson fire of July 19 left a visible and emotional sadness to the Olga and entire Island community. Since that day the historic building has been closed to its normal activity as a vibrant Gallery and Eatery.

There are tarps covering gaping holes in the roof and the East deck has been destroyed completely; the interior has extensive smoke and water damage. It awaits the first sign of restoration and renewal.

The Olga Strawberry Council (the non-profit entity responsible for maintaining the building) retained Ben Trogdon, a Seattle based architect with deep roots and experience on the Island, to head the daunting project. He has been creative and positive in managing the challenges of planning and designing. His documents are now with the County awaiting approval.

The building will look as we remember it, and, therefore, remain the historic landmark that we all know, and as it is recognized as such by the State of Washington. The changes required by today’s standards/codes will result in a building with even greater longevity, but appearing almost the same.(There will be a few surprises!)

As soon as the County gives the official “green light,” building permit, the OSC will put the project out to bid. The optimistic schedule shows that to be in the next month. The OSC wishes to thank the community for its tremendous support. When we receive bids and the final insurance settlement, we will be needing more of that same wonderful support.

Watch for signs of rebuilding SOON!