from Mark Schofield,
Conservation Programs Coordinator

Opportunity Council Assists San Juan County Residents Through Weatherization

Home heating season is coming to a close – but for many low-income residents of San Juan County, the financial strain of paying high energy bills can last throughout the year. However, an organization is working directly with San Juan County residents and community partners to ease that strain.

Through its weatherization program, the non-profit Opportunity Council is helping San Juan County residents gain control over their energy bills and maintain safe and comfortable homes year-round.

“Heating costs account for about half of total energy costs for a typical home,” said Mark Schofield, Conservation Programs Coordinator, at Opportunity Council. “Weatherization makes a home more energy efficient, and that energy efficiency can mean big savings for the occupants.”

Weatherization includes measures such as adding insulation and sealing air leaks in order to increase home energy conservation and efficiency. As part of these services, Opportunity Council staff members also provide clients with in-home energy audits and conservation education.

Funding for these projects in San Juan County comes, in part, from Bonneville Power Administration — the generation and transmission utility that provides electricity to the islands through the Orcas Power and Light Cooperative.

Opportunity Council’s weatherization services are available for free to any residents — whether homeowners or renters — who meet income eligibility. Households earning up to 200% of federal poverty level (for example, a little over $4000 per month for a family of four) qualify for the program.

Those interested in learning more and applying for Opportunity Council’s weatherization services should call toll-free 1-800-649-5121 ext. 158.

About the Opportunity Council

The Opportunity Council is one of 30 community action agencies in Washington State and over 1,000 in the nation. For 45 years, the nonprofit agency has served low-income individuals and families through advocacy, partnerships and programs. OC programs include weatherization, Head Start, housing, energy assistance, childcare resources and more.