By Stan Matthews
County Website and Communications Manager

On July 27, the San Juan County Elections Office will mail ballots for the August 16, 2011 primary election.  The ballot will include a levy measure for the San Juan Island Library District and a winnow race for a Port of Lopez commissioner position. Since no Orcas issues or races will be on the ballot, ballots will be mailed only to voters on Lopez Island and San Juan Island.

Voters returning their ballots by mail must have them postmarked by Election Day. Voters may also deposit their ballots at the ballot drop boxes located at the Lopez Island Fire Station, the San Juan County Courthouse, or the Elections Office in Friday Harbor. Because voters on Orcas Island will not be receiving a ballot, the ballot drop box located at the Orcas Senior Center will not be opened.

For questions regarding elections, contact the Elections Office at (360) 378-3357.

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