Orcas Island Fire and Rescue Assistnat Chief Mik Preyz and Chief and CEO Kevin O'Brien at Preyz's swearing-in on Jan. 8, 2013

Orcas Island Fire and Rescue Assistant Chief Mik Preysz and Chief Kevin O’Brien at Preysz’s swearing-in on Jan. 8, 2013

At the monthly meeting of the Orcas Fire and Rescue District Commissioners, Miklos  (Mik) Preysz was sworn in as Assistant Chief, effective Jan. 1, 2013 until Dec. 31, 2015.

The Assistant Chief position “is considered an executive position and may involve long and unpredictable hours likely resulting in an average workweek of more than forty hours…. coordinated and approved by the Fire Chief/CEO,” according to the employment contract signed by Preysz, O’Brien and Commissioners Barbara Bedell, Jim Coffin and  Clyde Duke.

Assistant Chief Preysz said, “I’m humbled that the Fire Department members and the community saw something in me that I wasn’t sure I saw in myself. I came to Orcas Island in 1992 as a medic and have watched the island grow, and me along with it. It’s allowed me to stay in a satisfying career that has a high burnout rate.

“It humbles and honors me.”

Preysz said his plans as Assistant Chief are “to help change things to benefit both the community and members for better service and to maintain those things that are already working so well.”

The public is invited to attend a “Town Hall” meeting tonight at 5 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Hall to comment upon and discuss the Marine Operations Users Group (MOUG) and other services of Orcas Fire and Rescue. For more information, call 376-2331.