Orcas Island School Nurse Iris Graville gave an update last week on the ongoing issues re H1N1 influenza.  “We need to remain diligent to keep H1N1 influenza under control.”

Recent studies report that  no state has more than 50% of its children fully immunized against  H1N1 and approximately 80% of children under10 have not had the needed  2nd dose to be adequately protected.

Graville says that the Orcas Public Schools have been seeing a “fair bit of  illness “the past two weeks.  “We could easily experience another  surge of H1N1 flu cases in the coming months as well as seasonal flu.

“For parents and children who haven’t done so yet, it’s still a good  idea to get vaccinated against both H1N1 flu and seasonal flu.”  Vaccine is available by appointment from most private health care providers as well as San Juan County Health and Community Services.

Graville emphasizes, “You know my favorite advice: WASH YOUR HANDS!”