— by Margie Doyle —

  • No moratorium on growth or sales of marijuana;
  • At least a trial of Eastsound walking village (only motorized shuttles) for a day, a weekend or a week;
  • Restaurants cooperating in an off-season Calendar of Restaurants, like Roses for Mardi Gras, White Horse for St. Patrick’s Day, New Leaf for Easter;
  • Purchase of property for re-establishing the Exchange;
  • Mental health counseling and resources more accessible with county funding ( the one-tenth of one percent retail sales tax fund;
  • Use of the county building at the Orcas ferry landing;
  • Progress and community support in preschool attendance through the Bob and Phyllis Henigson, and Joe Cohen and Marsha Farish initiative;
  • Trail restoration and installation in Eastsound;
  • Expansion of the Orcas public library;
  • County-wide celebration of the pig war, the war that didn’t happen;
  • A successful, win-win ferry reservation system.

Want to work with us on any of these ideas? Send a comment. And happy new year!