c010bb081ab3e9a6f090c7156a125c18[1]— from Jan Jacobson for the Orcas Island Garden Club —

Garden Club meeting of January 20, 2016 will feature Jessi Bloom, arborist, eco designer and co-author with Dave Boehnlein (of Orcas’ Bullock’s Farm) of “Practical Permaculture.”

Jessi is the owner of N.W. Bloom, and an ecological landscape designer. She will explain the simple permaculture principle of “take care of the earth and it will take care of you.” Ms. Bloom will describe the practices, principles, and tools you need for a holistic approach to food, home, and renewable resources that will help you turn your property into a sustainable ecosystem.

The meeting is Wednesday, January 20, 2016, at 10 a.m., in the Madrona Room of Orcas Center. For more information see orcasislandgardenclub.org.