Tuesday, November 25, at 7 p.m. at the San Juan Island Grange Hall, 152 First Street North, Friday Harbor

— from Boyd Pratt —

San Juan Island Grange #966 is hosting an informational forum on The Proposed Moratorium on Marijuana Production, at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, November 25, 2014 at the Grange Hall. The program will include presentations from differing perspectives and a moderated question and answer session. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.

In November 2012 the voters of Washington State passed Initiative 502, The Legalization of Marijuana for Recreational Use. Several businesses have been licensed by the State to grow marijuana in San Juan County. Concerns regarding the impact of these operations on land use have led to a proposed moratorium on marijuana production, which is being considered for adoption by the San Juan County Council, in order for the Council to further consider regulations related to marijuana production. San Juan Island Grange #966 has been asked to take a position on this issue, and is therefore hosting this informational forum.

The forum will be introduced by Roger Ellison, Grange Master, and moderated by Steve Porten, Grange Executive Board member; presenters are Brent Snow, speaking in support of the proposed moratorium, and Sandy Strehlou, Committee for Diversified Agriculture, speaking in opposition to the proposed moratorium.