From David Turnoy

Past Your Prime But Still Want to Play Ball?

Remember those fond memories of the smell of freshly-cut grass, of getting out on the sandlot and playing baseball or softball in the spring or summer? Just because we are past our prime, it shouldn’t mean we can no longer participate in the great American pastime.

If you would like to get out on a diamond with others of like mind, please join us the evening of Monday, July 15  at 6:30 on field #2 at Buck Park. That’s the softball diamond in the park next to the public schools.

My goal is to have as many adults show up as want to play, warm up a little, then try a pickup game. I have the field scheduled for the rest of the summer through Marcia at the Recreation Department, so every Monday night at 6:30 we’ll be able to play.

What should you bring? If you have a glove, a softball, and a bat, those would be helpful; but if you don’t have any of these, don’t let that stop you, as you can borrow. Also bring any friends you think would be interested. This is all about fun, not competition. I have the urge to play some softball, and I am hoping others have that same urge. I have set it up through Marcia for those over age 30, but I am 61, so I am hoping for a mix of ages.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 376-4165 or at Thanks.