The Port of Lopez invites community members to join in a discussion of the future of the port and potential economic vitality projects. The forum will be held at Lopez Center from 5-7 p.m. on Wednesday, June 26th.

The role of a public port in Washington State is the acquisition, construction, maintenance, development and regulation of harbor improvements, rail, water, air or motor vehicle transfer and terminal facilities, and industrial improvements. Many small public ports in the state are involved in marina and airport management, small boat launch management, and the creation of business incubator parks.

Ports can undertake projects such as the preservation of historical and other commercial real estate, underwriting of community economic planning, and many other projects not ordinarily expected under the purview of ports. The commissioners of the Port of Lopez – Steve Adams, Bruce Dunlop and Dan Post – would like to hear input on possible projects for the port which would benefit the community.

Community members are encouraged to attend the forum to help brainstorm ways the Port of Lopez can support the economic vitality of the island. Refreshments will be served. Join neighbors from 5-7 p.m. on Wednesday, June 26th at Lopez Center.

The mission statement of the Port of Lopez is “to ensure that the area’s essential transportation needs are met, that the local economy is sustainable through the use of Port facilities and that the community can access and be informed of the services provided by the Port. The Port will work toward continued access to our marine waterways and to provide a safe airport for the use of the general public. The Port pledges to work cooperatively with other entities, within the framework of community standards and to be responsible trustees of our publicly owned assets.”