On March 10, the Port of Orcas District Commissioners adopted the following policy on Pedestrian and Vehicle movement on airport surfaces:

Whether you are a pedestrian or the driver of a vehicle contemplating entry to Port of Orcas property, the following procedures are in effect, and will be enforced by port staff.

Aircraft have the right-of-way on airport surfaces.

Notes to Pedestrians

1.        If you are walking north (toward Canada) on Schoen Lane, planning to exit via Cessna Rd:

Proceed straight across the active taxiway toward Eastsound Sewer & Water; turn right at ESW, proceed east on Cessna Rd and exit through man-gate.  Red button activates gate.  This path is mandatory during normal business hours (8am-4:30pm M-F).

Outside these hours, exercise extreme caution if you must walk through the hangar area—they are active taxiways, and aircraft have the right-of-way.

Please use man-gate at Mt. Baker Rd entrance; do not cross the deer guard on foot.

2.        If you are walking from Cessna Rd gate to Schoen Lane:

Combination to open gate is on yellow post. Proceed west all the way down Cessna Rd to Eastsound Sewer & Water plant; turn left and proceed south (toward town) to cross active taxiway, then onto Schoen Lane.  The same hours as above apply here.

Exit port property through the man-gate; do not cross the deer guard on foot.

Notes to Vehicles

1.       If you are entering the Cessna Rd gate and proceeding directly to Eastsound Sewer & Water, watch for pedestrians.

2.       If you are entering the Cessna Rd gate and need to enter the hangar area: Turn on your 4-way flashers before you enter the active taxiway; proceed with extreme caution.  Aircraft have the right-of-way. Speed limit 15mph.

Special notes to Vehicles and Pedestrians on Primary Surfaces

Aircraft have the right-of-way

Pedestrians: If intending to cross the runway, stop behind the hold short line (the solid line) until there are no aircraft in sight.  Then proceed directly across the taxiway turnoff.  Flashlights must be carried and lighted when the runway lights are on.  If you are a frequent user, you will be further briefed by airport staff.

Bicycles: These are considered pedestrians and must follow procedures above.

Vehicles: 4-way flashers must be on when the vehicle is on the primary surface. Proceed at <20mph.  Use extreme caution.

These procedures have been instituted to prevent incursions on all surfaces inside the airport fence.  Safety includes prevention, planning, action and follow-through.