Sylvia Carlton and Tater from Bainbridge Island enjoy the plein air painting experience in the San Juans. There will be a showing of their work in August.

The Plein Air Painters of Washington (PAWA), in celebration with The San Juan Preservation Trust, will again be hard at work painting live subject matter on Orcas Island this coming Saturday, July 30. A live art show and auction, picnic with local food and music, and a plein air painting event will provide an afternoon of sensory and culinary feasts.

Many accomplished artists from all over the state of Washington have been hard at work, over the past several weeks, capturing the light, virtual sights, sounds, smells and essence of our gorgeous island settings. This will be a rare opportunity to experience the process of “plein air” painting up-close, personal and live.

Besides the live art event and exhibit, held outdoors at Turtleback Mountain Preserve, there will also be a great showing of works created, in a one month exhibit, at Crow Valley Gallery on Orcas Island, during the month of August. Local artists, David Ridgway, Steve Hill and Sara Bayer plan to participate again in this year’s event.

This is the biggest SJPT/PAWA event of the year, and the artists, together with Crow Valley Pottery and Gallery, are especially proud to be donating parts of the proceeds of sales from their works directly to the trust. Mark your calendar for Saturday, July 30, starting at 1 p.m., at the south entrance to Turtleback Mountain Preserve . Go to “Calendar of Events” at for a detailed map and directions. For more info, contact the SJPT at (360) 468-3202.

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