Thursday, Feb. 11 at 7 p.m. at the San Juan Island Grange

— from Lori Ann David–

Filmakers Lisa Heenan and Isabella Dohery have allowed a special pre-release of their film “Polyfaces: A World of Many Choices” for a San Juan Island Grange #966 fundraiser as a kick off to the Agricultural Summit  on Feb. 12-13.

The film looks at the Polyface Farm in Virginia, which uses regenerative farming techniques and no chemicals to feed more than 6,000 people. The film follows Joel Salatin, who Time Magazine named ‘most innovative farmer in the world’ as he and his farming family illustrate the benefits that this type of farming can have on the environment.

Michael Pollan wrote: “I have no doubt your film will fill young people with optimism and stoke their desire to farm.”

Tickets are $12 each, $20 for 2. For further information, call 378-0233

Rating: Unrated
Genre: Documentary
Directed By: Lisa Heenan, Isaebella Doherty
Written By: Lisa Heenan

Lori Ann David is a life-time farmer who is polyculture farming outside Friday Harbor