Annual Homeless Count January 29

— from San Juan County Communications —

San Juan County’s 2015 Point in Time Homeless Count will be conducted on Thursday, January 29. Count organizers and volunteers work with local family resource centers, food banks, churches, healthcare providers, senior centers, libraries, the sheriff’s office, and many other community support service providers to conduct the count.

The count, initiated by the State of Washington in 2005 (RCW43.185C.030), is conducted annually at the end of January. Agencies not open on the day of the count are authorized to conduct the survey on their business day closest to January 29.

Last year’s San Juan County count identified 65 individuals, 44 of whom were living out of doors, in vehicles, or in abandoned buildings. The remaining 21 people were staying in temporary, unstable living arrangements, often with friends or family. Results of previous counts can be viewed at:

If you have questions or would like to help with the count, please contact Melanie Rollins, San Juan County Affordable Housing Coordinator, Health & Community Services, 378-4474,