— from JoEllen Moldoff —

A five week poetry class on Tuesdays, January 16, 23, 30 & February 6, 13 from 1-3 p.m. at the Library in Eastsound, with JoEllen Moldoff as Facilitator.

Poetry gives us a unique path into the rich content of our inner and outer worlds. As poets—no matter how much we have read and/or written poems—we are always beginners, discovering and responding to our worlds with heightened awareness, imagination, sensitivity and humor.

In this poetry class, we will approach our reading and writing with “beginners mind”, staying open to possibility. We will read the work of various contemporary poets to consider how their poems work. By sharing our writing in a supportive, encouraging group, we learn from each other.

All are welcome!

Fee: $20 for copying costs and donation to the Library, payable at the first session. Registration: Reply “YES” by email to moldoff@rockisland.com by Monday, January 8th

Class size: minimum 12 – maximum 18